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What's Happening at SAOW?

What's Happening?  Let's look at dates and events from way back when to present day. Why not try your memory skills with our TRIVIA. 

T&G a friend to St. Ann’s Orphanage Worcester
News Articles

Telegraph & Gazette a Friend to

St. Ann's Orphanage

Posted Oct. 12, 2016

Fun Stuff - Trivia & History

What did we Do?

All news articles (including St. Joseph Orphanage Lewiston) can be viewed from our PDF tab at the top of the screen.

St Joseph Orphanage Lewiston

Here's your chance to test your memory skills. You'll find History questions of St. Ann's Orphanage of Worcester, Mass., US & World History and, best of all, lots of trivia questions about the characters and stories found throughout our book.

Click on the TRIVIA  button above.

Your years of service to the Worcester community has come to a close.


In January 2020 the buildings at 133 Granite St. Worcester, Mass. were vacated for the last time, soon to be demolished.

This site was once the Ellsworth Farm before becoming St. Ann's French Canadian Orphanage, Mount St. Ann & Youville House. Bon soir mon amie

"I want my Mommy"

St. Bernedette

Our Quest for Information

April 23, 2015 - Our First Trip to Worcester

Rosie, Christine and Joe traveled to the site of SAOW on Granite St.  

They went to the Worcester Public Library and found newspaper clippings that

inspired them to continue their investigation. A final stop at the Catholic Charities on

Hammond St. gave them a stronger drive to the answers.

May 5, 2015 – JoeM sets up email and a Facebook Page


Facebook Page: St. Ann’s Orphanage Worcester, Mount St. Ann, Youville, Anne

June 17, 2015 - Our Second Trip to Worcester

Christine and Joe returned to Worcester in hopes of collecting more information.

They spent a few hours at the Worcester Public Library scanning microfiche

from the Worcester Telegram & Gazette with little success. They visited the

Catholic Free Press and were kindly greeted by their staff.

A folder with photos and other articles made their visit a very happy one.

September 2-3, 2015 - On to Montreal Canada

Rosie, Christine, Joe & cousin Sandy went to the Grey Nuns Archives of Montreal and found a plethora of photos and documents to add to our collection.

October 4, 2015 - Posting of Archive Photos

 We began posting some photos the Archives had approved. 

February, 2016 - , 2015 - Purchased Photos

We received hundreds of purchased/watermarked photos from the Grey Nuns Archives

and started posting them to our Facebook Page.

May 26, 2016 - Published Book

Rosie & Joe publish ‘The Ghosts of St. Ann’s Past’

So far they have sent over 300 free copies to 'Friends & Family' of SAOW.

Oct. 2016 – Rosie Visits Worcester

Rosie went to Worcester. She met up with cousin Sandy and Pat Faldetta. Rosie & Pat met

with Marie Wyman and taped a video segment of Marie’s Show. 'Close to Home with Marie Wyman'. It was broadcast on local cable and later on You Tube. Later they met up with

Pat’s sister Mary and visited the Grotto & dropped books off at sites around Worcester.

July 1, 2017 - JoeM Publishes website

After months of preparation JoeM publishes a website for SAOW.

August 2017

Rosie and Joe taped a second segment of 'Close to Home with Marie Wyman'

'The Ghosts of St. Ann's Past' Part-2 - They met with Friends & Family of SAOW for lunch.

The group then gathered at the Grotto to reminisce of times spent at SAOW.

August 2019

Rosie and Joe met with Friends & Family of SAOW for lunch then went

to see the grounds and Grotto at 133 Granite St..

January 2020

The grounds and buildings of St. Ann's Orphanage, Mount St. Ann and The Youville House

Located at 133 Granite St. are forever vacated with demolition of buildings and final sale of the property.

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