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Read/Download SAOW Census PDF files

We found many children who resided at SAOW were not listed in the Census. This could be due to the exact date the Census was taken. We have determined that on many occasions SAOW did not take great care in properly recording information in their log books.

The 1950 US Census might be available in 2021.

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More files will be added as time permits . 

For a limited time, here is an opportunity to read our book in its entirety

You've read the stories, now here's the
REST of the STORY!!

Read the post of so many people from the past fifteen plus years.

Historical information about SAOW & MSA

Stories/Memories provided by our Friends & Family of SAOW

Articless About SAOW & other Orphanages in New England

Sisters of Charity - The Grey Nuns of Montreal

Other Orphanages Around Worcester, MA

Sisters of Mercy

Misc. Things of Interest

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